118 Sai Sudhindra Babu


July 3rd, 2021

Name: Sai Sudhindra babu 

Roll NO.: 118

I was given the following assignment to study and analyze the patient related data and interpret the results.

I obtained the case related questions through the following link:

Question 1:

1) Pulmonology:


The given explanation for the acute exacerbation was pretty accurate and really informative.

2) Neurology:


The given diagnosis for the patients problems are well explained and the entire GABA system was properly explained.

3) Case 1:


The explanation is precise and well presented.

4) Case 1:


the explanation is given through a flow chart which is very easy to understand and is very informative.

5) Case 9-2 :


The role of d-dimer in identifying the severity of covid is explained here in a good manner.

6) Case 2:


we can clearly see the pharmacological aspects of the case and a clear explanation of the mechanism of each drug.

7) Case A:


The entire information is well expressed in the form of a table. Easy to read and understand.

8) Case A:


the format of the entire info Was well presented with highliting the imp. points

9) Case 2:


Q c:
The proper utilization of the patient history can be clearly observed in the following answer.

10) Case 1:


The following was properly diagnosed and the history was properly taken. The drugs provided were apt for the case.

Question 2:

This yet has to be done. I’ve been seeking help from my classmate on the learning of the her ongoing case, soon after which i’ll be doing one of my own. 

Question 3:


  • The above case has all the necessary details which includes biodata history of present illness, past history, treatment history, the systemic examinations, Done the investigations ordered along with the the identified reports and finally it ends with the treatment given and the discharge summary. 
  • However, when it comes to the segregation of information in a day wise manner is not done here, that is all the investigations done in different time periods are not mentioned clearly.
  • When it comes to alalysing uncertainties in therapeutics we can see through the discharge summary there are a lot of question marks indicating an uncertainty even after a number of diagnostic tests.

Question 4:


Problen list:

  • backache 
  • fever 
  • jaundice
  • vomiting
  • burning micturitions 
  • increased respiratory rate
  • loss of appetite


FALCIGO - is an anti-malarial drug.
LEVIPIL - is an anti-epileptic.
DOXYCYCLINE - is an anti-malarial

Question 5:

This assignment has been very helpful in learning the clinical aspects which we've never focused before.Helpful in understanding the significance of each step of the clinical procedureHelpful in understanding the significance of each step of the clinical procedure.But having an online discussion is not the thing we expected. As we were not able to follow the class because of some network issues. But there is nothing else we can do in this pandemic.


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