118 Sai Sudhindra babu


This is the link to the assignment that i received for the monthly assignment:

Question 1:

Review the last assignment of the person closest to your roll no. Give positives, negatives, or comment on relevancy of the answers. 


The information provided was very appropriate and to the point. It is easy to interpret the results and the info can easy be interpreted. There was less usage of images and graphs which could have made the work much better.

Question 2:

Link the elog made this month


Question 3:

Case 1: AKI 

Scenario of the case is depicted very well. Along with the treatment history and complains which are described correctly for easy analysis. Many investigations done are which are done are placed very well according to date.

Case 2: Acute CKD

This case of chronic kidney disease was well presented and the Organisation on of the information was well presented.

Case 3: CKD

Many serological investigations are done including LFT. 2D echo, bone marrow aspiration test is also done to identify any underlying cause for this disease. 

Case 4: Patient in a coma and renal failure

Investigations showing ECHO and related photos are remarkable. The videos are great for understanding of case. The matter overall was very well presented.

This is bit of complicated case as he was diagnosed with AKI secondary to UTI on CKD.  Icterus and pedal edema are seen.

Case 5: Acute CKD

The entire information was presented in a point wise manner  which is a very useful and can be easily understandable 

It is a classical case where pus is seen in urine. There is a history of Transurethral Resection of Prostrate. Hydronephrosis is beautifully explained with MRI scans.

Case 6: AKI

The patient's history is arranged in a well manner and is easily understandable. The points are precised and well written. Day-wise medication described in a well manner.

Urosepsis is seen as there is infection of urinary tract. Generalized lymphadenopathy is present.

Question 4:

Problem and solution list. Example: problems could be electrolyte imbalance, urosepsis, calculi etc. Solutions would be specific medicines prescribed, dialysis etc. Again.. All cases.. But a lot of them are similar.

UROSEPSIS:- is a term used to describe a type of sepsis that is caused by an infection in the urinary tract.

Symptoms of urosepsis include:-
  • pain near the kidneys, on the lower sides of the back
  • nausea with or without vomiting
  • extreme fatigue
  • reduced urine volume or no urine
  • trouble breathing or rapid breathing
  • confusion or brain for
  • unusual anxiety levels
  • changes in heart rate, such as palpitations or a rapid heartbeat
  • high fever or low body temperature
A doctor may diagnose urosepsis after confirming that the person has a UTI, which is done through a simple urine sample. If a UTI has been left untreated or the doctor thinks the infection may have spread, they may order immediate blood tests to help diagnose urosepsis.

If caught early, UTIs are easy to treat with antibiotics. A person with a UTI also needs to drink plenty of fluids to help flush the urinary tract,it may not respond to antibiotics alone.
Some people will need surgery to get rid of the source of an untreated infection completely.


      Patients with chronic renal failure, since there is an absence of renal regulatory mechanisms. In renal failure, acute or chronic, one most commonly sees patients who have a tendency to develop hypervolemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and bicarbonate deficiency (metabolic acidosis). Sodium is generally retained, but may appear normal, or hyponatremic, because of dilution from fluid retention. Following the relief of a urinary tract obstruction, hypovolemia, hyponatremia (true loss of sodium), hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and bicarbonate loss are most apt to occur. Electrolyte imbalances after urinary diversion vary depending on the site of urine diversion.

Intravenous fluids, electrolyte replacement.
A Minor electrolyte imbalance may be corrected by diet changes. For example; eating a diet rich in potassium if you have low potassium levels, or restricting your water intake if you have a low blood sodium level.
Most commonly cause:
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • not drinking enough fluids
  • not eating enough
  • excessive sweating
  • certain medications, such as laxatives and diuretics
  • eating disorders
  • liver or kidney problems
  • cancer treatment
  • congestive heart failure

Question 5:

This assignemnt has helped me to understand the process of history taking and discussion with the patient. But it would be much better if it was offline and the amount of learning would be massive if it was offline. Other than that i found the assignment useful and a brilliant way to understand how to diagnose every case.


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